Speaker Information

Speaker Information

- Each presentation will last 25 minutes with additional 5 minutes for questions. Time your presentation to fit within your designated time span, leaving time for audience questions.

- Go to a room called *media desk*  before your session begins to copy your presentation. Each room is equipped with (desktop) computer and projector;

- Arrive at your session at least 5 minutes before it begins. All presenters in a session should set up and test the presentation before the session begins;

- Please don't be a "no-show" at the meeting. While we understand that last-minute circumstances may prevent speakers from attending, we urge you to inform us so we can alert attendees.

Please, read the symposium program for finding the date and time of your presentation. You can find it at www.sbbd-sbes2009.ufc.br/en_sbbdprog.php.



XXIV SBBD XXIII SBES - 05 a 09 de Outubro de 2009